The after_action_activate hook is a method that can be defined in the Application Delegate Class which is called after an account has been activated via the registration process. The full registration process goes as follows:
User fills in registration form.
An email is sent to the user with a link to activate their account.
User clicks on activation link.
User is taken back to the application and activation occurs, which consists of creating a new record in the users table.
The after_action_activate trigger is called.
This hook has been available since Xataface Version 1.2
* A trigger to send the user a confirmation email after their account has been activated.
* @params array $params Associative array of passed parameters. Contains a single key 'record'
* with the Dataface_Record object of the users table with the user that was activated.
function after_action_activate(array $params){
$user = $params['record'];
mail($user->val('email'), 'Your account is activated', 'Your account has been activated... etc..');
getRegistrationActivationEmailInfo - Overrides the activation email info. Returns an associative array of the email details (e.g. subject, to, headers, etc...