

Getting Started with Xataface

Web Lite is a simple framework for developing data-driven web applications in PHP and MySQL. This tutorial will show you how to get a dataface powered web application running in under 20 minutes.


1. Introduction
Web Lite is a simple framework for building data-driven web applications in PHP and MySQL. This section introduces some of the concepts and applications of Dataface.
2. Why Use Xataface?
Some simple examples similar to those that are frequently encountered by web developers, and how dataface can be used to acheive a solution.
3. Installation
Download and installation instructions for the Web Lite framework.
4. Creating Your First Application
Build a simple Xataface application.
5. Using Your First Application
A Xataface application, at its core, provides 4 standard operations: Add new records, edit existing records, delete records, and find records. This section gives a brief overview of how to use your first Xataface application.
6. Customizing Field labels, descriptions, and widgets
Using simple INI configuration files, you can customize the look and feel of your application. You can change widgets, labels, field descriptions, and more.
7. Using Value-lists
Value-lists serve as vocabularies that can be used for fields such as select lists, checkbox groups, and auto-complete fields.
8. Relationships
Xataface allows you to define relationships between tables using the relationships.ini file.
9. Form Validation
Xataface allows you to add validation rules to fields using the fields.ini file
10. Delegate Classes
Use Delegate classes to add permissions, custom serialization, display filters, calculated fields, import/export functionality, and other custom functionality to your application.
11. Triggers
Triggers are methods that can be defined to carry out custom behaviors when certain events occur in the application (e.g., when records are saved, inserted, or deleted).
12. Permissions
Use sessions and delegate classes to define permissions at the record and field level.
13. Changing the Look and Feel
Change the way your application looks by adding custom headers, footers, and sections, and by overriding the default templates with your own custom templates.
14. Actions I: The Basics
Web Lite's actions framework allows you to customize existing actions (e.g. new, edit, find) and create your own new actions.
15. Actions II: Intermediate
Use permissions, categories, and other parameters from the actions.ini file to improve your action's integration into the application.
16. This is a test
Test page
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