Auction closed but no notifications sent

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Auction closed but no notifications sent

Postby pjaffe » Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:40 pm

My auction closed on schedule late last night but something went wrong. The "Closed" MySQL table shows that the fields "product_id", "email_sent" and "admin_email_sent" were populated correctly and also showed the closing time. Unfortunately, the bid amount was all zeros and the winnner was blank. There are bids in the Bids table and the product view is showing bids and that the auction is closed. Even though the "Closed" table says emails went out, none did - not even to the admin email account. I know the email function is working because I received email notices for each bid that was made.

As background, I recently moved to a new hosting service and also upgraded the WebAuction/xataface to the most recent release prior to this auction. Everything looks like it is functioning but something went wrong in the auction close process. Nothing shows in the error log that I can see through cpanel so if there is something else to check, I don't know what it is.

Please help. I had to manually send out 26 winner notifications by hand at 2am last night which was not fun.

- Peter
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:28 am

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