Hi Steve,
I found this app looking for a basic way to hold auctions for our church. I installed Webauctions as is, set it up and ran it... looks ok and I think it will do what I want for now.
I did see that there's a much newer Xataface, although I've not had time yet to really explore using it as an app tool but after I set up Webauction and entered some cats and an item... I saw the reCaptcha post and decided to go ahead and upgrade to the latest Xataface (uploading the contents to the "dataface" directory in Webauction). I did notice a few differences but most prominently ... one could not register... error in PermissionTools.php (line 172).
Having to get something up quickly, I decided to copy the old "dataface" directory back... and then the site didn't work. So I just reinstalled the whole thing and am starting over... But...
It looks like not a lot of activity on this app lately so I would like your best advise on using Webauctions going forward and upgrading to the latest Xataface...
Thanks so much,
Jeff Brown
Huntington Beach CA USA