I have some code in my app delegate class that allows for a "Total Number of something to be calculated". i.e I have a list of companies and everytime I create a new site that has that company name assigned to it then in my "Customers" table, it auto updates the number to show the totals. Here's the code: (Code also shows equivs for other totals)
- Code: Select all
// Allow the SiteData cache table to be grafted to the Customers table
// to show number of sites each customer has
function beforeHandleRequest(){
$modification_times = Dataface_Table::getTableModificationTimes();
if ( $modification_times['CustomerStats'] < $modification_times['SiteData'] ){
$res = mysql_query("replace into CustomerStats (CompanyName, TotalSites) select CompanyName, count(*) as TotalSites from SiteData group by CompanyName", df_db());
if ( !$res ) throw new Exception(mysql_error(df_db()));
// Allow the ContractData cache table to be grafted to the Customers table
// to show number of Contracts each customer has
$modification_times = Dataface_Table::getTableModificationTimes();
if ( $modification_times['ContractStats'] < $modification_times['ContractData'] ){
$res = mysql_query("replace into ContractStats (CompanyName, TotalContracts) select CompanyName, count(*) as TotalContracts from ContractData group by CompanyName", df_db());
if ( !$res ) throw new Exception(mysql_error(df_db()));
// Allow the MPANData cache table to be grafted to the Customers table
// to show number of MPANs each customer has
$modification_times = Dataface_Table::getTableModificationTimes();
if ( $modification_times['MPANStats'] < $modification_times['MPANData'] ){
$res = mysql_query("replace into MPANStats (CompanyName, TotalMPANs) select CompanyName, count(*) as TotalMPANs from MPANData group by CompanyName", df_db());
if ( !$res ) throw new Exception(mysql_error(df_db()));
Adding in new objects works fine and makes the counter increase...however, when I remove an object (e.g. delete a site), the figure doesn't go down. The only way I can get the figure to go down is to remove it from the caching table (i.e. CustomerStats). I think this used to work fine but I can't be 100%
Does everything look OK to you?