This one may seem a little "out of the Ark" these days, but we have one key computer that my wife uses and loves which is an old clamshell iBook running Mac OS9 and IE5 for Mac. When I tried to access our test xataface DB from that it does not display the field data at all - just blanks. We don't want to part with it (the screen resolution is just perfect for the work she does and it looks cute on her desk), and have tried OSX but it is too slow on that model.
We are running a Filemaker web database at present which works fine but I want to move to "the cloud" with mySQL not the office server. I presume xataface makes extension use of javascript or something that is throwing out the display.
Can you think of any work around for this? Is there another browser that will run on old OS9 that will display xataface?