What triggers notifications??

A place to discuss and receive support for the Web Auction application.

What triggers notifications??

Postby jyarema1 » Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:30 pm


I'm having some difficulties understanding what triggers the sending of notifications. I am mostly curious as to what sends the "winning bid" email to the users and admins. I've been prepping our WebAuction system for an internal charity auction and in my tests I noticed that the notification were not triggered by the auction end or close time on the specific items in that auction. Oddly enough, the notification came 11 hours and a handful of minutes after the time I would have expected the notifications to have been sent. I am running both the database and auction site (IIS w/ ISAPI for php) off a Windows 2K3 server and the only correlation that I could see was that it looked like the site or application pool was possibly restarted at the same time the notifications were finally sent.

So what does trigger these notifications? Is it something upon application startup? Is it triggered by the auction and/or item close times?

Thanks much!
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Postby shannah » Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:33 am


In every request, it first checks for auctions that need to be closed. It sends out the notifications at that time. So if nobody is using the auction, the notifications won't be sent until someone visits the auction site.

You can set up a cron script to hit your auction site every few minutes if you want to make this more regular. Although this usually isn't necessary if the auction is in use.

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Postby Karonthe » Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:55 am

I don't like to misdirect the topic (please tell me if you want me to open a new topic about), but I'm facing a related need with this... I would like to add a button, some sort of admin-triggered action to close all the items at one time rather than waiting for an user action on the site.

Is it possible/easy to implement by keeping the whole functionality? What would be the better way?

Thank you very much in advance.
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Postby shannah » Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:25 pm

All you have to do is visit the site to close all of the auctions that should be closed.

Hence an admin can do this just as well as a user can.

If you need to go a step further and close auctions that aren't scheduled to be closed, you could use the update set functionality to change the close date of every product to a date that has already passed.

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Postby jyarema1 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:12 pm

shannah wrote:Hi,

In every request, it first checks for auctions that need to be closed. It sends out the notifications at that time. So if nobody is using the auction, the notifications won't be sent until someone visits the auction site.

You can set up a cron script to hit your auction site every few minutes if you want to make this more regular. Although this usually isn't necessary if the auction is in use.


Hi Steve,

Thanks for taking the time to reply to this one. I guess I'm still a little stuck here. I decided to run a test auction which expired about 15 minutes ago. I ran the main report which didn't even show that the products/auction had ended. I know that the site has activity, but I have no idea what could be keeping this from sending either "the auction is over" emails or the "you are the winning bidder" emails.

Finally, I did notice an oddity when I added a test product. The product bid times were between 14:45 and 16:00 - my test window. When I went to the database, the times were exactly one hour ahead for both: 15:45 and 17:00. Do I need to adjust a db or application setting? Is this explainable behavior due to time zone settings or something?

Thanks for your help,

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Postby shannah » Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:23 pm

Hi Jon,

I believe this may be related to a timezone bug. Please download the latest version and try that.

https://sourceforge.net/project/showfil ... _id=637105

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Postby falcon7 » Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:13 pm

Where would that closing check code be?

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