A button in the form

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A button in the form

Postby fidel » Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:13 am


I'm a new to dataface. I think it is great! I was wondering if it is ossible to add something like an element to a form (like a button) but so that that element does not depend on a table field or database?

Thanks in advance
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Location: Belize

Postby shannah » Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:41 pm

1. The next release will be added slots and blocks before, after, and around all widgets to make it dead simple to add arbirtary fields to your forms... That doesn't help you now though.

2. You can add actions to the individual fields, but I'll have to look through the source to remember the syntax.

3. You can add buttons (and arbitrary content) before and after the edit forms using the before_edit_record_form and after_edit_record_form blocks (http://lamp.weblite.ca/dataface-0.6/doc ... -mode=list) .

4. You can override the edit form with arbitrary HTML content - and hence your own custom form using the edit_record_form slot.

Hope this helps a little.

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