I wonder are ther templates for it ?
And maybe a translation in dutch ?
otherwise I will translate it , and send it to you when needed.
You will hear from me

greetings Paul
Yes beginning with it ;)
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Note : strange , I be the only one ? and I know so many that search for a good "user only"auction.
I was searching for a year now ! And here's one who searched a lot , and even made a page for it ![]() http://scott.yang.id.au/2003/01/seeking-open-source-auction-software/ Cheers Paul
Hi Paul, Thanks for posting in the forum.Ê I'm glad you are finding the auction sofware useful.Ê This is the first public release so undoubtedly there are features that you'll identify that you'll want added.Ê I'm happy to receive feature requests, and will consider them.Ê Most features can be added very quickly, so even if you need a feature that I'm not able to get to in the general course of things, I have a team of developers who can make customizations for reasonable rates. As for your questions: 1. Templates: The auction is extremely flexible for templates, and can have its entire look and feel changed by creating a single HTML page.Ê (See the SFU auction for an example of a different look: http://fas.sfu.ca/fas/sites/plantsale).Ê Currently there aren't any themes available, however, I'll be writing a tutorial this week on how to create themes in Dataface (which is the same as for web auction) so you'll be able to create themes pretty easily. The process for creating a theme will roughly involve:
Alternatively, if you want us to convert a template for you, we can take an existing template (e.g. from oswd.org or templatemonster.com) and convert it to a dataface theme usually for around $50 to $100 - depending on the complexity of the template. Please keep me updated with your progress and don't hesitate to post questions. Best regards Steve
Forgot to address the Dutch translation question. The Dataface framework is all dialed in for internationalization but there is no Dutch translation yet.Ê In addition, the web auction application hasn't been written to use the internationalization features of Dataface yet.Ê Look for this in versionÊ 0.2. When this internationalization is built in, translating it into a new language such as Dutch will be as simple as translating a single text file. -Steve
Hi again.
And ooh boy , if it gets to technical than I begin to stare at things I do not understand ![]() I'am from 1949 you know ...but still 20 years in computing html that will work. php I begin to learn a little ![]() My website ( dutch sorry) http://www.coldmountain.nl I am in health benefit , and that is not a lot of money... So I became my brand new pc I have now , for making a webshop for a trading centre. ( http://shop.ljtrading.nl ) I use for my website e107 , and easy'er you cannot get. For this ljtrading I was making a auction with e107 , but the writer of the auctionscript has no time or has stopped since I do not hear from him. ( example of this test I run : http://www.ljtrading.nl/site login: gast pw: gast ) I really do not understand dataface , its big , and did take 1 hour and a half to upload to the server. The auction was there in 5 minutes. About webauction : The new member is instantly member after signing in. bidding with a fake email adres is possible.... better is : signing up , and then the auction should send a confirmation to the new member , with a link to the website , where the membership wil than be activated. There is no way I can find out to make a change in the layout.... And the big disclaimer or credentials ( forgive my english ) on the bottom of the program , I cant find where to make them smaller. For me it is now 6 in the morning , I always have problems with sleeping ![]() But I thank you for your nice letter , and I hope you can help me a bit with al my small problems ![]() btw , the web auction is test running on : http://www.ljtrading.nl/veiling Thank you Cheers Paul
I have the following problems. translating the en.ini inside dataface , makes no difference inside auction. Where do I translate auction ? ( like the sentence : "you are here" inside auction , is nowhere inside dataface) Than , Where do I change the $ (dollar) sign into ? (euro) I hope you make some changes , and as you told in your letter that there will be changes It looks very promissing , I like'd it from the start. Only , if there would be a simple images folder , with header and footer and side bars and banner Than I could make the site looking good . Now I have no clue how to make a colored header and colored left side. The site you mentioned looks very nice. Hope I learn. greetings Paul
OK.. there are a lot of issues here, but I'll try to go through them: 1. New member registration issue:Ê 2. Long upload time for Dataface. 3. Changing the Layout: ÊÊ Copy the Dataface/templates/Dataface_Main_Template.html file into the web auction's 'templates' directory, and make whatever changes you please.Ê This will override the default template. 4. Translations: 5. Dollar sign to euro.Ê Will tie this into the internationalization improvements in version 0.2. 6. Making a simple images directory for header/footer/sidebars:Ê Dataface has a much more flexible and powerful system for customizing the look and feel.Ê Most of the visual information is made in templates (located in the dataface/Dataface/templates) directory.Ê You can override any of these templates by adding a template with the same name into the web auction's templates directory.Ê You should be able to change just about anything you need to change by just overriding the Dataface_Main_Template.html template and making changes. Best regards Steve
Hi Steve
And thank you , now I can begin to work a little. I will wait for version 0.2 thou for the euro sign is something I need. And for many dutch it would be nice If I can make the whole look into dutch. It makes me feel good , the easyness you seem to have about such ( to me ) difficult things. I says to me You are a real webmaster with a lot of knowledge ![]() Cheers Paul
Hi Paul,
To change $ your desired currency you need to edit AUCTIONS/TABLES/PRODUCTS/Products.php (I have changed to £ for GBP) HERE * function high_bid_amount__display(&$record){ $amt = $record->val('high_bid_amount'); $out = '£'.number_format(unserialize(serialize($amt)), 2); return $out; } HERE * function current_high_bid__display(&$record){ return '£'.number_format($record->val('current_high_bid'),2); } function minimum_bid__display(&$record){ return '£'.number_format($record->val('minimum_bid'),2); } Hope this helps you. Ashley
Hi Steve , and thank you Ashley
I did what you was writing Steve Did put the main html into templates Changed the color. But whatever I do ( even did put it back inside dataface) No changing did happen. I changed the layout with microsoft frontpage. ( I never did see a layout so full of text ) The color is red. Then I saw frontpage did make a css also. so I did put the css inside dataface , and called it plone.css. Now the website has its color. But the login became invisible. Made the login color different , but it stays invisible. And now I messed it up , get a error : Fatal error: Smarty error: [in Dataface_Main_Template.html line 140]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: $APP-%3Eurl('-action=login') (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 436) in e:\easyphp1-8\www\dataface\dataface-0.7.1\lib\Smarty\Smarty.class.php on line 1088 I begin to wonder how this program is made ....never saw so many different things inside html or php..... But I will keep on trying. ( gonna first install it again on my pc , I run test on easyPhP . ) Greetings Paul
Hi Paul, I would probably stay away from FrontPage for editing the templates.Ê It has a tendency to muck with things that it doesn't understand.Ê The template is actually a smarty template (the tags inside the curly braces '{ }' are smarty tags.Ê For information about smarty you can check out http://smarty.php.net.If you want to add your own css file, you can add a css link in the main template right after the plone.css include. e.g. In this case you would place the styles.css file inside your web auction directory. You'll find that most changes to the look can be made using only stylesheets - without changing any of the HTML in the template. However, you can change the HTML too if you like. I commend you on your efforts to dig in to this.Ê If you are curious about how this program is made, or how the templating system works, you may want to read some of the documentation on Dataface's templating system: http://framework.weblite.ca/documentation/tutorial/getting_started/changing-look-and-feel or http://framework.weblite.ca/documentation/tutorial/customizing-the-dataface-look-and-feel Once you figure out how it works, it's quite easy... but as with anything in software development, it is best to work in baby steps. Another tip.Ê You shouldn't need to make any changes to anything in the Dataface directory.Ê Everything can be overridden in the web_auction directory.Ê If you change the Dataface directory it will make it more difficult for you to upgrade in the future. Best regards Steve
Hi again
Thanks for your answer , I will surely look in to it. Now I have another (small ? ) problem. For the language I did do like you gave a example for I did put in the conf.ini : [languages] en="english" nl="nederlands" But now with login I get an error : Fatal error: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' in e:\easyphp1-8\www\dataface\dataface-0.7.1\Dataface\AuthenticationTool.php on line 184 If I remove the languages again inside conf.ini , al is ok again. Can you advice me ?
Sorry for bothering ......(?)
But the error seem to come from easyPhP I did try it on my webserver , and now all works fine ![]() PS. A possebility for editing what I write or wrote here would be nice. Since it would be less posts on this forum ![]() greeting you Paul
Hi Paul, I kind of prefer having multiple posts rather than editing posts, because it allows users to follow the thread later on.Ê I (as an admin) have access to change posts, but never do, because it might confuse people later on.Best regards Steve
Hi Steve
I have a small problem. I do not know in wich code de site is made , but with the euro sign there is a problem Inside windows explorer it shows as a square. So I had to change the sign from ? to eur. If I set windows explorer to west european code , it shows the euro sign. but if I go to another page the sign is a square again. The explorer is standard set to unicode (utf8) ( like it would be for all here in europe) Do you know a way around that ? And a Favour I ask you , can you send me a email when the new version is ready ? otherwise I will visit this site , to see if it comes available. Have a nice day Greetings Paul
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