First of all, how to install this?!
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I needed a auction script fast. All I could find was this.
Not really satisfied with all the trouble installing dataface first, but it finally worked.. Now I have dataface installed, but there is completely no documentation about how to install Webauction on there.. The readme.txt says "upload somewhere to your webserver", doing that gives the error I don't have Dataface. And I installed dataface succesful... So, how the hell do I even start using this? I don't have the faintest idea where and how to put the files..
If the install script isn't working for you (i.e. it can't find dataface), then proceed to the manual install instructions in the readme file:
Manual Installation Instructions: ---------------------------------- 1. Upload the df_auction folder to your web server. 2. Create a mysql database for your application. 2.1. Execute the tables.sql SQL file located in the install directory to create the table structures for the application. 2. Edit the conf.ini file as follows: a. In the [_database] section, enter the correct database information for your database. b. In the [_auth] section, adjust the values to correspond with your CAS and LDAP servers. c. In the [df_auction] section, adjust the values to reflect your auction config: 3. Edit the file to point to the correct Dataface path and url. 4. Make the templates_c directory writable by the web server (e.g. chmod 777 templates_c). This is necessary to allow Smarty to compile its templates. 5. Make the tables/products/product_image directory writable by the web server (e.g. chmod 777 tables/products/product_image). This is necessary to allow image uploads. 6. Delete the 'install' directory. Another note. This plea for help has been arguably the rudest that I have experienced since offering any of my software free and open source. Might I suggest that you show a little bit more tact when seeking help installing software that is being offered for free. I understand that it is frustrating when you get stuck and can't get something working. We have all been there. If you are unsatisfied with the installation instructions, perhaps you can write some better instructions when you have finished installing it so that the community can benefit from your experience. Best regards Steve
Hey Steve,
first off, I apologize. I'm sorry for my use of language. It's just that the past weeks I've been tortured with financial argues up to the courtroom, and I'm a bit steaming with anger. Nonetheless I should've kept it in, it's not your fault and not your problem. What I actually ment to say was that installing something like dataface first wasn't really the thing I was looking for. I needed a auctionscript, fast. But all other things failed, this was my last option. But so far it seems to work, and this is the first thing I found with good and fast help, even after my first post.. So I'm very sorry, and thanks allot! I'll start working on it fast.
Kay, so far so good.. I just have 1 problem, the installation won't seem to get my path to the dataface installation.
My server is set up like so; httpdocs |folder |folder |folder |-folder |--pws |--wa the "pws" being the Dataface folder, and the "wa" WebAuction I have put it like so in the config file define('DATAFACE_INSTALLATION_PATH', '../pws'); // The path to your dataface installation. This can be relative to the // index.php file, or absolute. define('DATAFACE_INSTALLATION_URL', ''); // The URL to your Dataface installation location as you would type it // into a web browser. This can also be relative to your index.php // file, or it can be absolute (e.g. *ofcourse I set my real domain/path instead of ''* The error I get; Warning: main(DATAFACE_INSTALLATION_PATH/dataface-public-api.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/chainsof/domains/ on line 8 Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'DATAFACE_INSTALLATION_PATH/dataface-public-api.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/chainsof/domains/ on line 8
Yes.. looks like there is a problem with your DATAFACE_INSTALLATION_PATH constant.
Question: Is the error message exactly as you have posted it or have you replaced the actual install path with 'DATAFACE_INSTALLATION_PATH'. If you haven't changed it, that means that it isn't even picking up the config file probably... One thing that occurs to me is that the config file may need to be renamed to (instead of This should be added to the install instructions... apologies. -Steve
This is strange... there are 2 possibilities:
1. A file has been named incorrectly. 2. A constant has the wrong value. Since you're fairly certain that is named corrected (case sensitivity counts), it must be option 2. Steps to troubleshoot. 1. Make sure it is picking up the file: add the following:
in the file. If, when you try to access the index.php file, it displays this message, that means that it is picking up the file. 2. Double check the value you entered for DATAFACE_INSTALLATION_PATH. This should be the path on the server to the dataface directory. (NOT THE URL.). This can be a relative path. (e.g. '../dataface'), or an absolute path (e.g. '/var/www/dataface'). -Steve
Okay, thats one step ahead. It displays the message, thus it reads the config file
![]() I rechecked the path, and due to my messy way of working, I seemed to have uploaded it wrong! It now displays this; Fatal error: Call to undefined function: import() in /home/chainsof/domains/ on line 45 please don't tell me my phpversion isn't up to the challenge?! =(
It would be interesting to know what version of PHP you are running at the very least. This is another VERY strange error.Ê The import function is defined in the init.php file inside the dataface directory.Ê This is loaded prior to line 45.Ê So something is not right. When you said that you uploaded it wrong last time,Ê what did you do wrong?I would venture that this problem is very similar to the previous problem.Ê It is a problem with things that certainly should have been executed, not being executed.Ê As if it's not reading all of the files... even more curious is that these files are *required* so it should alert you with a fatal error when they can't be found. -Steve
Hmm, line 45 calls to import PEAR.php thats my PHPinfo stuff
Yes... it is calling to import PEAR.php.
The problem is not that it can't find PEAR.php though. The problem is that it can't find the function 'import' that was previously defined when the call to df_init() was made. Something is wrong with either your PHP or the way dataface has been uploaded. Check permissions on your files - make sure that they are all at least 0644. You may want to try it on a different server. -Steve
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