Installation Trouble
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Hi there, I'm trying to install Web Auction and I keep getting an error while trying to access the web_auction\index.php
The error is: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\dataface\Dataface\Application.php on line 202 I've completely deleted and reinstalled dataface and webauction but no luck. Anyone have any ideas? I need to get something working soon, we are hosting an internal auction for charity and the deadline is coming up quickly. Thanks in advance! Wade
Hi Wade, It looks like you need to install the mysql.dll file on your PHP install in order to work with MySQL.Ê See for instructions on how to do this.Ê (Read the "Installation on Windows Systems" sectionÊ for "PHP 5+" for info on this. Let me know how it goes. -steve
I ended up installing the latest PHP version available for download, and it appears to solve that problem. But now I get a blank page when i try to load either the index.php or install.php
I'm going to try the manual config, and will post on how it goes. Cheers
Doing a manual config and trying to load the install.php results in:
The installer cannot be run because the application has already been installed. loading index.php results in: * Created: December 14, 2005 * * Description: * ------------ * A Procedural API to the Dataface framework. This is designed to same developers * time trying to figure out what all the classes are and what they do. This api * provides functions to access all importand aspects of the framework. * */ if ( !defined( 'DATAFACE_PUBLIC_API_LOADED' ) ){ define('DATAFACE_PUBLIC_API_LOADED', true); /** * Initializes the dataface framework. */ function df_init($site_path, $dataface_url, $conf=null){ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/init.php'; init($site_path, $dataface_url); import( 'PEAR.php'); import( 'Dataface/Application.php'); $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance($conf); } function &df_create_new_record_form($table, $fields=null){ import( 'Dataface/QuickForm.php'); $form =& Dataface_QuickForm::createNewRecordForm($table, $fields); return $form; } function &df_create_edit_record_form(&$table, $fields=null){ import('Dataface/QuickForm.php'); $form =& Dataface_QuickForm::createEditRecordForm($table, $fields); return $form; } function &df_create_new_related_record_form(&$record, $relationshipName, $fieldNames=null){ import( 'Dataface/ShortRelatedRecordForm.php'); $form =& new Dataface_ShortRelatedRecordForm($record,$relationshipName,'', $fieldNames); return $form; } function &df_create_existing_related_record_form(&$record, $relationshpName){ import( 'Dataface/ExistingRelatedRecordForm.php'); $form =& new Dataface_ExistingRelatedRecordForm($record, $relationshipName); return $form; } function &df_create_import_form(&$table, $relationshipName=null){ import( 'Dataface/ImportForm.php'); $form =& new Dataface_ExistingRelatedRecordForm($record, $relationshipName); return $form; } function &df_create_search_form($tablename, $query=array(), $fields=null){ import( 'Dataface/SearchForm.php'); $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance(); $form =& new Dataface_SearchForm($tablename, $app->db(), $query, $fields); return $form; } function &df_get_records($table, $query=null, $start=null, $limit=null){ import( 'Dataface/QueryTool.php'); $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance(); if ( $query === null and $start === null and $limit === null ){ $queryTool =& Dataface_QueryTool::loadResult($table); } else { if ( $query === null or !$query ) $query = array(); if ( $start !== null ) $query['-start'] = $start; if ( $limit !== null ) $query['-limit'] = $limit; $queryTool =& new Dataface_QueryTool($table, null, $query); } $queryTool->loadSet(); $it =& $queryTool->iterator(); return $it; } function &df_get_records_array($table, $query=null, $start=null, $limit=null){ $records = array(); $it = df_get_records($table,$query,$start,$limit); if ( PEAR::isError($it) )return $it; while ($it->hasNext()){ $records[] = $it->next(); } return $records; } function &df_get_table_info($tablename){ import( 'Dataface/Table.php'); $table =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($tablename); return $table; } function &df_get_record($table, $query, $io=null){ import( 'Dataface/Record.php'); import( 'Dataface/IO.php'); $record =& new Dataface_Record($table, array()); if ( !isset($io) ){ $io =& new Dataface_IO($table); } $res = $io->read($query, $record); if ( PEAR::isError($res) ) { $null = null; return $null; } return $record; } function &df_get_record_by_id($id){ list($table,$query) = explode('?', $id); if ( !isset($table) || !isset($query)) trigger_error("df_get_record_by_id expects an id of a specific form, but received ".$id); @list($table, $relationship) = explode('/', $table); $params = explode('&',$query); $params2 = array(); foreach ($params as $param){ list($key,$val) = explode('=', $param); $params2[urldecode($key)] = urldecode($val); } if ( !isset($relationship) ){ // This is just requesting a normal record. $record =& df_get_record($table, $params2); return $record; } else { $primary_params = array(); $related_params = array(); foreach ($params2 as $key=>$val){ @list($key1,$key2) = explode('::',$key); if ( !isset($key2) ){ $primary_params[$key1] = $val; } else { $related_params[$key2] = $val; } } if ( count($related_params) > 0 ){ $sql = array(); foreach ($related_params as $k=>$v){ $sql[] = "`{$k}`='{$v}'"; } $sql = implode(' and ', $sql); } $record =& df_get_record($table, $primary_params); if ( !$record ) return PEAR::raiseError("Could not find any records matching the query"); $related_records =& $record->getRelatedRecordObjects($relationship, 0,1, $sql); if ( count($related_records) == 0 ){ return PEAR::raiseError("Could not find any related records matching the query: $sql"); } return $related_records[0]; } } function df_get_selected_records($query){ if ( isset($query['--selected-ids']) ){ $selected = $query['--selected-ids']; } else if ( isset($query['-selected-ids']) ){ $selected = $query['-selected-ids']; } else { return array(); } $ids = explode("\n", $selected); $records = array(); foreach ($ids as $id){ $records[] = df_get_record_by_id($id); } return $records; } function df_save_record(&$record, $keys=null, $lang=null){ import( 'Dataface/Record.php'); import( 'Dataface/IO.php'); $io =& new Dataface_IO($record->_table->tablename); if ( isset($lang) ) $io->lang = $lang; return $io->write($record, $keys); } function &df_get_valuelist($tablename, $valuelistname){ $table =& df_get_table($tablename); $vl =& $table->getValuelist(); return $vl; } function &df_get_relationship_info($tablename, $relationshipname){ $table =& df_get_table_info($tablename); $relationship =& $table->getRelationship($relationshipname); return $relationship; } function df_register_skin($name, $template_dir){ import( 'Dataface/SkinTool.php'); $st =& Dataface_SkinTool::getInstance(); $st->register_skin($name, $template_dir); } function df_display($context, $template_name){ import( 'Dataface/SkinTool.php'); $st =& Dataface_SkinTool::getInstance(); return $st->display($context, $template_name); } function df_config_get($varname){ $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance(); return $app->_conf[$varname]; } function df_config_set($varname, $value){ $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance(); $app->_conf[$varname] = $value; } function df_db(){ $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance(); return $app->_db; } function df_query($sql){ import('Dataface/DB.php'); $db =& Dataface_DB::getInstance(); return $db->query($sql); } function df_insert_id(){ import('Dataface/DB.php'); $db =& Dataface_DB::getInstance(); return $db->insert_id(); } function df_translate($id, $default=null, $params=array()){ return Dataface_LanguageTool::translate($id,$default,$params); } function df_check_permission($permission, &$object, $params=array() ){ return Dataface_PermissionsTool::checkPermission($permission, $object, $params); } function df_permission_names_as_array(&$perms){ $ptool =& Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance(); return $ptool->namesAsArray($perms); } function df_permission_names_as_string(&$perms){ $ptool =& Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance(); return $ptool->namesAsString($perms); } function df_block($params){ $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance(); $query =& $app->getQuery(); if ( isset($params['table']) ) $table =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($params['table']); else if ( isset($params['record']) ) $table =& $params['record']->_table; else $table =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($query['-table']); if ( isset($params['name']) ) $name = $params['name']; else trigger_error('No name specified for block. '.Dataface_Error::printStackTrace(), E_USER_ERROR); unset($params['name']); unset($params['table']); return $table->displayBlock($name, $params); } function df_translation_warning(&$record, $language=null){ import('Dataface/TranslationTool.php'); $tt =& new Dataface_TranslationTool(); $tt->printTranslationStatusAlert($record, $language); } function df_editable($content, $id){ $skinTool =& Dataface_SkinTool::getInstance(); return $skinTool->editable(array('id'=>$id), $content, $skinTool); } function df_offset($date){ $date = strtotime($date); $offset = (strftime("%j")+strftime("%Y")*365)- (strftime("%j",$date)+strftime("%Y",$date)*365); if ($offset>7){ $offset = (strftime("%V")+strftime("%Y")*52)- (strftime("%V",$date)+strftime("%Y",$date)*52); $end=($offset!=0?($offset>1?$offset . " weeks ago":"a week ago"):"Today"); } else $end=($offset!=0?($offset>1?"$offset days ago":"Yesterday"):"Today"); return strftime("%A, %B %e, %Y",$date)." - ". $end; } } // end if ( !defined( DATAFACE_PUBLIC_API_LOADED ) ){ ?>
Hi Wade, OK.. one last thing that you have to do is enable the short_open_tag in your php.ini file.Ê i.e. set short_open_tag=1 See for more info about short_open_tag -Steve
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