I will start with the error....
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /media/www_testing/dfapps/estim/tables/patients_dates/patients_dates.php:16) in /media/www_libraries/dataface-0.6.9r1/actions/new_related_record.php on line 100
I have several delegate classes which are for tables based upon my patients table. The delegate classes are the ones I posted in here about attaching the patient name to a child tables title and firefox tab.
I tried removing the delegate classes. Each time I remove one, the next one seems to kick in. And so for instance that error above came when i was saving a related record to my patients_notes table. If I remove patients_dates.php then patients_electrical_stim_units.php will give the error. And so on until I remove all of the delegate classes. I am posting all of the files that I think are relative. I will post more if need be.
Here is my relationships.ini:
action:label = Notes
actionrder = 50
actions:addexisting = 0
patients_notes.acct = "$acct"
action:label = Dates
actionrder = 52
actions:addnew = 0
actions:addexisting = 0
patients_dates.acct = "$acct"
Now my patients.php delegate class:
$fullname=$firstname.' '.$middlename.' '.$lastname;
return $fullname;
Now my child tables delegate classes:
And finally my fullname.inc file from above:
$query="SELECT * FROM patients where acct="."'".$currentrecord."'";
$fullname=$firstname.' '.$middlename.' '.$lastname;
Any suggestions would be appreciated. However this is not currently a time sensitive issue. I simply removed the ability on child records for the title to change.
Thank you kindly.