Cannot Modify header information error when using delegate c

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Postby Aoirthoir » Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:45 am

I will start with the error....

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /media/www_testing/dfapps/estim/tables/patients_dates/patients_dates.php:16) in /media/www_libraries/dataface-0.6.9r1/actions/new_related_record.php on line 100

I have several delegate classes which are for tables based upon my patients table. The delegate classes are the ones I posted in here about attaching the patient name to a child tables title and firefox tab.

I tried removing the delegate classes. Each time I remove one, the next one seems to kick in. And so for instance that error above came when i was saving a related record to my patients_notes table. If I remove patients_dates.php then patients_electrical_stim_units.php will give the error. And so on until I remove all of the delegate classes. I am posting all of the files that I think are relative. I will post more if need be.

Here is my relationships.ini:

action:label = Notes
action:order = 50

actions:addexisting = 0

patients_notes.acct = "$acct"

action:label = Dates
action:order = 52

actions:addnew = 0
actions:addexisting = 0

patients_dates.acct = "$acct"

Now my patients.php delegate class:

$fullname=$firstname.' '.$middlename.' '.$lastname;

return $fullname;



Now my child tables delegate classes:

And finally my file from above:



$query="SELECT * FROM patients where acct="."'".$currentrecord."'";


$fullname=$firstname.' '.$middlename.' '.$lastname;


Any suggestions would be appreciated. However this is not currently a time sensitive issue. I simply removed the ability on child records for the title to change.

Thank you kindly.
Posts: 420
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby shannah » Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:29 pm

OK.. the error that you quoted here indicates that PHP is outputting something on line 16 of patient_dates.php .

There are 2 possibilities here:
1. On line 16 there is an echo statement.
2. patient_dates.php is only 16 lines long, and there is some extra white space (or hidden characters) after the closing PHP tag.

1. Remove any such white space or echo statements (try different text programs if the white space isn't showing up in your editor... it is there).

2. Use output buffering by adding a call to ob_start(); at the first line of your application's index.php file. This will prevent your script from outputting anything until execution completes.

Best regards

Steve Hannah
@shannah78 (on twitter) blog
Posts: 4457
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby Aoirthoir » Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:33 pm

Ah..I keep getting that extra space at the end thing. Sorry for the trouble again Mr. Steve. I will give that a try.
Posts: 420
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

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