Xataface CKeditor Module 0.3
CKeditor Widget for Xataface
Functions | Variables
lib/ckeditor/_samples/php/events.php File Reference

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 CKEditorHideLinkTargetTab (&$CKEditor)
 CKEditorNotifyAboutOpenedDialog (&$CKEditor)


 $CKEditor = new CKEditor()
$CKEditor config ['width'] = 750
$CKEditor basePath = '../../'
 $initialValue = '<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p>'
 $config ['width'] = '600'
 $config ['toolbar'] = 'Basic'
 $events ['instanceReady']

Function Documentation

CKEditorHideLinkTargetTab ( &$  CKEditor)

Adds global event, will hide "Target" tab in Link dialog in all instances.

Definition at line 38 of file events.php.

CKEditorNotifyAboutOpenedDialog ( &$  CKEditor)

Adds global event, will notify about opened dialog.

Definition at line 56 of file events.php.

Variable Documentation

$CKEditor = new CKEditor()

Definition at line 68 of file events.php.

$config['width'] = '600'

Definition at line 98 of file events.php.

$config['toolbar'] = 'Basic'

Definition at line 99 of file events.php.

Initial value:
 'function (evt) {
        alert("Loaded second editor: " + evt.editor.name);

Definition at line 107 of file events.php.

$initialValue = '<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="http://ckeditor.com/">CKEditor</a>.</p>'

Definition at line 79 of file events.php.

$CKEditor basePath = '../../'

Definition at line 76 of file events.php.

$CKEditor config['width'] = 750

Definition at line 71 of file events.php.

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