
sortPage name sortPage id sortPage title sortContent sortKeywords sortLanguage sortOriginal page
beforeSave109beforeSave TriggerBack to [[Delegate class methods]] [[toc]] ...triggers, beforeSave,en
beforeAddRelatedRecord108beforeAddRelatedRecord Delegate Class MethodReturn to [[Delegate class methods]] [[toc]] ...beforeAddRelatedRecord, Delegate class methods, re...en
beforeHandleRequest107beforeHandleRequest Application Delegate Class Met...Return to [[Application Delegate Class]] [[toc]...beforeHandleRequest, Application Delegateen
__global__106__global__ section for the fields.ini fileReturn to [[fields.ini file]] [[toc]] ===Syn...__global__, fields.ini, visibility:listen
field__pushValue105[[toc]] The field__pushValue() delegate class m...pullValue, pushValueen
field__pullValue104field__pullValue delegate class method[[toc]] The field__pullValue() delegate class m...pushValue, pullValueen
Customizing_Theme_Based_on_IP_Address103Customizing Theme Based on IP AddressThis article deals with the following topics: #...ip address, pullValue, pushValue, beforeHandleRequ...en
before_authenticate102before_authenticate hookReturn to [[Application Delegate Class]] The ''...authenticationen
Introduction_to_the_Xataface_API101Introduction to the Xataface APIBack to [ the wiki] [[t...xataface api, df_get_record, df_get_records_array,...en
calendar100Calendar WidgetBack to [[widget:type]] [[toc]] ===Synopsis=...calendar widget, fields.ini file, widget:typeen
reCAPTCHA_module99The reCAPTCHA module[[toc]] ===Synopsis=== The Xataface reCAPTCH...captcha, registration, validationen
registration_form98Setting up User Registration[[toc]] ===Synopsis=== Xataface optionally e...registration form, _auth, authenticationen
_auth97_auth section of the conf.ini file[[conf.ini file|Return to conf.ini file]] [[toc..._auth,authentication,conf.ini file,allow_registeren
validators:VALIDATOR_NAME:message96validators:VALIDATOR_NAME:message directive for th...Return to [[fields.ini file]] [[toc]] ===Syn...validation messages,error messages,form validation...en
validators95validators:NAME fields.ini directiveReturn to [[fields.ini file]] [[toc]] ===Syn...validation, form validation, validators,validator:...en
fieldname__validate94fieldname__validate Delegate Class MethodReturn to [[Delegate class methods]] [[toc]] ...validate, validation, delegate class validation, c...en
Authenticating_Against_the_Joomla!_Users_Table93Authenticating Against the Joomla Users Table Note: This article applies to Joomla! 2.5.17 and...joomla authentication md5en
Authenticating_Against_the_PHPBB_Users_table92Authenticating Against the PHPBB Users TableReturn to [[authentication]] [[toc]] Xatafac...PHPBB, authentication, security, authentication mo...en
setSecurityFilters91setSecurityFilter() method== Example == In the delegate class for the use...en
Dynamic_select_boxes90==Dynamic select boxes== To create two select b...en
file89==Dynamic select boxes== To create two select b...en
secure88secure fields.ini directive[[fields.ini file]] directive used only with [[,fields.ini fileen
sql_delegate_method87__sql__ Delegate Methodreturn to [[Delegate class methods]] ===Synopsi...__sql__, SQL queries, delegate classen
site_with_backoffice86==How to build a site with an optional login form=...en to build a site with an optional login form==How to build a site with an optional login form=...en site with a backoffice==A site with a backoffice== To create a site wit...en
Key83fields.ini Directive: KeyThe '''Key''' directive is used only when the tabl...Key, Views, MySQL Views, Create View, PRI, Primary...en
Creating_Printable_Reports82Creating a Custom Printable Report==Creating a Printable Report== [[toc]] It i...en
GettingStarted:triggers81Triggers==Triggers== Triggers are methods that can be d...triggers, beforeSave, afterSave, beforeInsert, aft...en
GettingStarted:delegate_classes80Delegate Classes==Delegate Classes== Use Delegate classes to ad...delegate classes,getTitle,getPermissionsen


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