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modules30Xataface Modules[[toc]] Xataface provides a number of hooks tha...modules, captchaen0
XataJax113Introduction to XataJax[[toc]] Xataface 1.3 comes with a new module [[...XataJax, Ajax, Web 2.0en
loginFailed184loginFailed() Application Delegate Trigger[[toc]] The loginFailed() method of the Applica...login permissions failed passworden
field__pushValue105[[toc]] The field__pushValue() delegate class m...pullValue, pushValueen
field__pullValue104field__pullValue delegate class method[[toc]] The field__pullValue() delegate class m...pushValue, pullValueen
LDAP_or_Active_Directory65How to authenticate users with LDAP or Active Dire...[[toc]] It is often easier to use the existing ...LDAP,Active Directory,Authenticationen0
Module_Developers_Guide112Module Developers Guide[[toc]] ==Why Write a Xataface Module?== Xat...modulesen
Contribute_to_Xataface_Translation_Project110How to Contribute Translations[[toc]] ==Synopsis== Xataface stores its tra...Translations, Google Spreadsheets, en.ini, fr.inien
Relationship_Permissions111Relationship Permissions[[toc]] ==Synopsis== As relationships are a ...relationships, permissions, rel_relationshipname__...en
registration_form98Setting up User Registration[[toc]] ===Synopsis=== Xataface optionally e...registration form, _auth, authenticationen
reCAPTCHA_module99The reCAPTCHA module[[toc]] ===Synopsis=== The Xataface reCAPTCH...captcha, registration, validationen
Application_Delegate_Class12Application Delegate Class[[toc]] ===Synopsis=== The application deleg...application delegate classen0
relationship68The relationship fields.ini directive[[fields.ini file|Return to fields.ini file direct...grid widget, relationship, checkboxen0
secure88secure fields.ini directive[[fields.ini file]] directive used only with [[,fields.ini fileen
_auth97_auth section of the conf.ini file[[conf.ini file|Return to conf.ini file]] [[toc..._auth,authentication,conf.ini file,allow_registeren
documentation_guide70Documentation GuideXataface uses a wiki to manage its online document...documentation wikien
no_access_text59no_access_textWhenever the NO_ACCESS permission is given for a f...en0
table66tableWhen using widget:type table, it will store the da...en0
GettingStarted:Introduction71IntroductionWeb Lite is a simple framework for building data-d...introduction requirements getting starteden
__field__permissions50__field__permissionsThis method can be used to set the default permiss...en0
Customizing_Theme_Based_on_IP_Address103Customizing Theme Based on IP AddressThis article deals with the following topics: #...ip address, pullValue, pushValue, beforeHandleRequ...en
Key83fields.ini Directive: KeyThe '''Key''' directive is used only when the tabl...Key, Views, MySQL Views, Create View, PRI, Primary...en
XataJax_Compiler114Introduction to the XataJax CompilerReturn to [[XataJax]] '''DISCLAIMER''': This pa...XataJax, compiler, javascript, css, compileren
lookup61The Lookup WidgetReturn to [[widget:type]] page to see list of all ...lookup widget, widget:filters, widget:-filters:lim...en0
list:type128list:type relationships.ini file directiveReturn to [[relationships.ini file]] [[toc]] ...en
meta:class127meta:class relationships.ini file directiveReturn to [[relationships.ini file]] [[toc]] ...en
__global__106__global__ section for the fields.ini fileReturn to [[fields.ini file]] [[toc]] ===Syn...__global__, fields.ini, visibility:listen
validators95validators:NAME fields.ini directiveReturn to [[fields.ini file]] [[toc]] ===Syn...validation, form validation, validators,validator:...en
validators:VALIDATOR_NAME:message96validators:VALIDATOR_NAME:message directive for th...Return to [[fields.ini file]] [[toc]] ===Syn...validation messages,error messages,form validation...en
timestamp44timestampReturn to [[fields.ini file]] A very simple sam...timestamp, date, datetimeen0


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