Current Record: visibility:fieldName #47

A directive in the relationships.ini file to configure the visibility of a field. This will override the field settings in any of the tables...

Current Record: visibility:fieldName #47

A directive in the relationships.ini file to configure the visibility of a field. This will override the field settings in any of the tables...



A directive in the relationships.ini file to configure the visibility of a field. This will override the field settings in any of the tables within the relationship.

Hiding A Field

conferences.ConferenceID = "$ConferenceID"
visibility:ConferenceID = hidden

This will make the ConferenceID in the relationship list view disappear.

Showing A Field

conferences.ConferenceID = "$ConferenceID"
visibility:ConferenceID = visible

This will make the ConferenceID in the relationship list view appear.

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