Current Record: GettingStarted:Installation #73

Installation Download and installation instructions for the Web Lite framework. Xataface is a 100% PHP Framework that comes with all depend...

Current Record: GettingStarted:Installation #73

Installation Download and installation instructions for the Web Lite framework. Xataface is a 100% PHP Framework that comes with all depend...




Download and installation instructions for the Web Lite framework. Xataface is a 100% PHP Framework that comes with all dependencies as part of the installation. The framework itself lives inside a single directory that should be placed inside the document root of your web server so that it can be accessed from the web. You can install a single copy of Xataface to be used by multiple applications on your web server. Each application just "requires" the key files from the Web Lite framework.


  1. Go to the Xataface Sourceforge project file releases page
  2. Download the latest file release.


  1. Unpack the gzipped tar archive that you downloaded somewhere in your web server's document root (i.e., make sure that the 'dataface' directory is in a web-accessible location).
  2. Make the dataface/Dataface/templates_c directory writable by the web server. An unsafe way to do this is to

 chmod 777 Dataface/templates_c
But it would be better to just give write access to the web server user.
  1. Confirm that the installation worked by pointing the web browser to . If it worked OK, you should receive a web page that says "Dataface is installed correctly", along with some basic instructions for creating a Xataface Application. (Note: Sometimes this page will give you a false positive. i.e., it may say the installation worked but then your Xataface application receives errors. Check the troubleshooting section below to deal with these issues).


If your installation is not going as planned, don't panic. There is a possiblity that your system has a slightly different configuration and you have to make some small adjustments to make the installation work.

The general procedure for troubleshooting the installation is as follows:

  1. Check the Troubleshooting page.
  2. Look through the forum to see if others have experienced the same thing.
  3. Post your question in the forum if you can't find the answer already.
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