Current Record: documentation_guide #70

Xataface uses a wiki to manage its online documentation which can be edited by anyone. All you have to do is login with your forum username...

Current Record: documentation_guide #70

Xataface uses a wiki to manage its online documentation which can be edited by anyone. All you have to do is login with your forum username...

Documentation Guide


Xataface uses a wiki to manage its online documentation which can be edited by anyone. All you have to do is login with your forum username and password (register for the forum here). Then when you are browsing a page of the wiki, you'll see an 'Edit' tab along the top. Click on this tab to start editing the page in your browser. Wiki markup is a little simpler than HTML and a little more complex than plain text. It is easy to get a handle on once you get started. If you aren't sure how to format it exactly how you want, don't worry. Someone may come by after you and improve on your formatting. That's what the community approach is all about.

The Documentation Team

Join the Xataface documentation team to help participate in the planning of the documentation. If you want to help out, contact Steve Hannah and he'll add you to the documentation group where you can access the private documentation forums and meet the rest of the team.

Using the Wiki

The following is a brief guide in using the Xataface Wiki. All following instructions assume that you are already logged in to the wiki. You can use your forum username and password to login.

Editing an Existing Page

  1. Navigate to the page that you want to edit
  2. Click on the "Edit" tab along the top.
  3. Make changes to your page.
  4. Save the changes.

Adding a New Page

=Method 1: Add a link from an existing page

  1. Navigate to an existing page that you want to link to your new page.
  2. Click on the "Edit" tab along the top.
  3. Somewhere in the content of the page, add a link to your new page (which doesn't exist yet), by adding the following markup
    [[The name of your new page]]
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Click on the "view" tab along the top and find the place where you added your link. It should be displayed with a '?' right after it. Click on the '?' and it will bring you to the "new page form".
  6. fill in the form with your page contents and click save.

Method 2: Accessing new page form directly

  1. Access the new page form directly.

Uploading Images

Image can be uploaded at The Web Lite Media Manager. You'll need an account to access this site. If you are a member of the documentation team you can request an account from Steve Hannah so that you can upload images here.


  1. Log into the Web Lite Media Manager.
  2. Click on "Add New File" in the menu on the left.
  3. Select a name for the file, and browse to the image you want to upload in the file upload field. You don't need to check any category boxes. Press save.
  4. Click on the "View" tab for your newly uploaded image.
  5. Copy the embed code for the image from the "Embed Code" field.
  6. In the wiki page add the embed code where you want your image to appear as follows:
    Where EMBED_CODE is the URL for the image as you copied and pasted out of the media manager.
  7. Save your changes.

Uploading Video

Adding Source Code Snippets

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