First, thanks for the updated versions! -- I downloaded the 'new version' just as I was getting ready to 'fix up' the old one that was throwing more 'deprecated' warnings than a pitching machine on full tilt.
I ran into several itty-bitty problems, and one big one.
First, in the installation data set there are still a few 'TYPE=MyISAM' that still need to be fixed to 'ENGINE=MyISAM' for those on newer MySQL versions.
Second, the book 'data set' is not included so its hard to tell what is happening (maybe just one or two entries would be ok) -- otherwise you get the 'Browse Books by Category' and nothing else, as there are no books to browse.
Third, I tried going to the login page, no dice - a blank screen
I fixed that second item by pulling the data into MySQL, but that lead to a curious outcome.
The Browse Books by Category page works OK, and displays the categories and counts. BUT

A. The login page still draws a blank
B. if you click on the links on the Categories on the Browse Page, you also draw a blank screen.
I checked the owners and permissions against my currently working 'Quotations Base' I created and installed under 'xataface' (built with the previous build of xataface), and they seem identical. I don't think I would have gotten the Browse Page to work if they weren't set right.
I examined my Apache error log - not a sign of any errors in the past two days, other than the wailing about the RSA certificate not matching the hostname. I do find errors back a few days from a different PHP script that had problems, so I'm pretty sure they are being logged.
Anyone have any ideas on this???
Thanks in advance