A few Easter requests :-)

A place to discuss and receive support for the Web Auction application.

A few Easter requests :-)

Postby GrizBear » Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:18 pm

Hi Shannah,
Happy Easter to you and your users and the whole membership.
I love the Web Auction program to death. It is a god sent for us in the not for profit area.
How ever, i would like to ask three things that would make this program "de BOMB" of Auctions, for those who need a no frills simple in your face Auction.
1. in view reports can we have an export file (in xl) because that is our bread and butter.
2. in admin when I upload a picture, underneath I can click to see a larger version, can we have that for the users to???????
3. Is it possible in Auction settings a place a upload area for a logo and have it placed in the proper place, left right or center????

And one last one for myself. Is it possible to remove all the broken links on the bottom of the pages and maybe just leave one reference to your self, or a small fee to remove it all together???

Thanks a kajillion
Klaus G Schulz, CPP-OCP
Klaus G Schulz, CPP-OCP
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Re: A few Easter requests :-)

Postby shannah » Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:02 pm

Thanks for the requests... I'm not currently working on WebAuction so I can't say when (non-critical) feature additions are likely to be made but it is good to have these things posted so I know what is in demand.
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Re: A few Easter requests :-)

Postby GrizBear » Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:27 pm

Your so welcome. I am sure that if we can get those three items done, we will have a good working program.I'm just so sorry that I am only the hardware geek here and not a software geek. |-[:-)
But seriously, I see I am not the only one that is annoyed with those broken links. What's up with that? Do you think you can see the need to update that? Links and dates!!! i am still asking what you need in order to remove those????

Thanks a kajillion for a no frills in your face program.

Klaus G Schulz, CPP-OCP

Ps: I will have a big auction starting on may 1st. And using the latest update, cool stuff......Please find some time to do those three requests........
Klaus G Schulz, CPP-OCP
Greyhound Adoption Squad-Canada

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Re: A few Easter requests :-)

Postby shannah » Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:41 pm

Any of the information on the Xataface site/wiki should apply to Web Auction if you are looking for tips on how to customize portions of the look and feel yourself. Even things like links require time to fix. There are currently literally thousands of items in my "queue" and the priority of the items doesn't really depend on me - it depends on what my clients need so unfortunately even simple things like a couple of links may have to wait until they reach a high enough priority to fix them.

Web Auction is not a commercial venture. It was created for a non-profit auction several years ago and was released as free open source because I thought it could benefit others also. I know that some other people have made changes to their own instances of web auction that are similar to what you are asking for, but nothing has been contributed to the project. Similarly you are free to modify the product in any way you choose to suit your purposes (so long as you comply with the GPL license).

I suspect that if you hired a local PHP programmer he could probably many of the changes that you have requested quite quickly.

Best regards

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Re: A few Easter requests :-)

Postby GrizBear » Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:10 pm

Hi Dude,
I get it. The program is the best for what it was intended. I love this program, and I understand your point.
I have some real software geeks handy, maybe I can do things with them.
I promise if somethings does come out of it and it makes it work the way I would like it to, I will send the changes along to you.

And always remember the software GEEKS cry: " I got blisters on my fingers."

I'll see you on the flip side.......don't stop working on this project...

A kajillion thanks for this, and your time.

Klaus G Schulz
Klaus G Schulz, CPP-OCP
Greyhound Adoption Squad-Canada

Not everyone needs a Greyhound,
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