Is it possible to hide or remove the Collapse / Expand ( plus + / minus - ) functionality in the Record Details View?
I searched the forums & documentation but could not find anything specifically relating to this. I have tried piecing together information from other similar issues.. but now I'm stuck!
I located the div tags with "onexpand" & "oncollapse" in the page source code here:
- Code: Select all
<div class="movable" id="mainsidebar___main____fieldgroup_0" df:section_name="__main____fieldgroup" oncollapse="DatafaceSections.oncollapse(this)" onexpand="DatafaceSections.onexpand(this)"><h3 class="Dataface_collapsible_sidebar movable-handle" style="padding-left:0; width:100%; "><img src="" style="cursor: pointer" class="expansion-handle" alt="Click to minimize this section"> Details</h3><div >
I tracked the position of this code to the Dataface_View_Record.html template, but could not see a way to take out the oncollapse / onexpand or remove the div completely.
Is it possible to remove or hide it from here?
Is there an easier way to do this?
We are close to completing this project so any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks for an outstanding site so far.
ps screenshot image attached: