I really hope this isn't because of the Xataface arithmetic issues...but... I have this sql in my table delegate class
- Code: Select all
function __sql__() {
return "ContractData.ContractSupplier1, (ContractData.ContractSupplier1DayRate * MPANData.DayCons) AS Test_Total FROM ContractData inner join MPANData_ContractData ON ContractData.ContractDataID = MPANData_ContractData.ContractDataID inner join MPANData ON MPANData_ContractData.MPANCore = MPANData.MPANCore";
which returns fine on the CLI
- Code: Select all
| ContractSupplier1 | Test_Total |
| Scottish & Southern | 150000000 |
but just shows a blank web page. Here's the error from the web logs.
- Code: Select all
[Wed Sep 22 11:19:18 2010] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type PEAR_Error as array in /var/www/html/public/dataface/Dataface/Table.php on line 2044, referer: http://www.site.org.uk/index.php
Any ideas?