Hello, i like xataface. I still have some suggestions for a better file-handling.
.01 File manager
Since I am running a Media-Site with it, I miss a File-manager. It would be great to choose from a dir on the server and place the choosen file-name and path to the input. Is there a way implementing this with ease? With this it would be easier to choose from allready uploaded media-files, instead of uploading them again.
.02 Ajax-Upload
An interesting way to upload files with AJAX would be an Ajax Upload; A file upload script with progress-bar. With this I dont have to mind about uploading serveral bigger files at once. Ajax uploads the file right after choosen it from the harddisc.
Here is an example: http://valums.com/ajax-upload/
I would love to use some of these functions.
Greetings chichi