OK.. Should work fine in those versions. It is having trouble parsing some SQL that is part of one of the fields.ini file.
You may have to debug this one for me a little.
Go to line 1970 in your Dataface/Tables.php file:
- Code: Select all
$data = $parser->parse($tsql);
Add a line after this as follows:
- Code: Select all
if ( PEAR::isError($data) ){
echo $data->getMessage();
This will tell you what the error is.
I have a few installs running with roughly the same PHP/MySQL versions as you, so this is quite confusing. Best guesses are:
1. Corrupted files (the fields.ini files)
2. You have made some changes to either the database schema or the fields.ini file (or the relationships.ini file) with some incorect SQL syntax.
3. Some of the database didn't get generated properly.