hi steve!
first of all tell u my english is not really good so i will try to explain what i want to do.
I need to do an auction where registered users can bid for products that have an initial price and a final price (limited by admin).
I want the bid increment to be a decrement one, and change it automatically.
The auction will finish when a user bid for it or when is the Closing time.
Eg. One product begins at an Opening time with a price of 2000$, after 10 minutes if any user bid for it, it cost 1750$, after 10 minutes if any user bid for it, it cost 1500$ ... The product limit price is 1000$. If a user bid for it and the product is >= the product limit the user get/buy it.
i hope u can help me, i´m not an expert in php ... and i see your application is really nice and could help me to do what i need.