Confused about different files to modify

A place to discuss and receive support for the Web Auction application.

Postby andrewr » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:49 pm


I am a little confused about the different files to modify.

When I look in the root of webauction I see conf.ini & conf.ini.dist

on the surface - they appear to be the same, except that 1 has my database info set - the other does not.

I guess my question is : is the .dist the origional file prior to installer modification?


The next question:

in the conf.ini there is this section:

users_table = users
username_column = username
password_column = "password"
;ldap_host = ""
;ldap_port = "1389"
;ldap_base = "ou=people, o=SFU, c=CA"

Which of those fields need to be modified, and what settings go in?



and this is more on the modifications:

from the dataface_logo file

_tpl_vars['ENV']['DATAFACE_URL']; ?>
/images/emptybowls.jpg" alt="Maranatha Broadcasting Group - Empty Bowls Auction"/>

My alternate text shows - but no image.
Is the image supposed to go in the dataface directory or the webauction images directoy?

**** alright question answered myself - in the dataface images directoy - seems a tad backward to put it there, but it works.

Alrighty - I think that is all that my tired noggin can process tonight - so I am outa here.

Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby shannah » Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:51 pm

When I look in the root of webauction I see conf.ini & conf.ini.dist

on the surface - they appear to be the same, except that 1 has my database info set - the other does not.

I guess my question is : is the .dist the origional file prior to installer modification?

Yes. You are correct.

Which of those fields need to be modified, and what settings go in?

None of them needs to be modified. Any of them can be modified depending on what you are trying to accomplish.

Is the image supposed to go in the dataface directory or the webauction images directoy?

It looks like you are trying to put PHP in the logo file. This a smarty template, so you should use smarty template syntax.

E.g. instead of $_tpl_vars['ENV']['DATAFACE_URL'] it would just be

for a quick overview of some of the variables available in the template and what they mean.

Two useful ones are
{$ENV.DATAFACE_SITE_URL} : the URL to the webauction folder.
{$ENV.DATAFACE_URL} : the URL to the dataface folder.

So if you wanted to include a logo that is in the %webauctionroot%/images, you would do
Code: Select all

Steve Hannah
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