editing application with Dataface??

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Postby paulkruger » Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:10 pm

Perhaps I am dumber than I thought. I have tried to find help in documentation with no luck. I want to find out how to actuall USE Dataface? I have it installed ok. ( I guess? ) and have installed the webauction application which also seems to be working ok.

What I can't figure out ( or find in docs ) is how to edit the application /webauction using the Dataface program? I wish to modify the webauction's standard records to include some additional fields etc.

When I try to go to /dataface I just get this error: "Error loading config file. No tables specified." I have no clue how to "specify" anything for it to let me edit /webauction. Docs don't seem to have any information about editing an existing application. They also don't tell where to start re. what URL to use to even open the dataface application. Obviously /dataface/index.php does not do it.

Of course I can log in to the actual database via MyPHPadmin but then what is the point of dataface which I assume is supposed to provide WYSIWIG editing abilities? ( fckeditor )

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Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

Postby shannah » Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:11 pm

Hi Paul,

Dataface is not a substitute for PHP myadmin. It is the framework upon which WebAuction is built. If you want to add fields, just add them in PHPMyAdmin. Because web auction is built using Dataface, these fields will automatically show up on the corresponding edit form in the WebAuction app.

A good place to get started editing and building applications is in the Getting Started tutorial.

Best regards

Steve Hannah
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