Xataface 1.3.3 Released

News about Xataface

Xataface 1.3.3 Released

Postby shannah » Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:27 am

I have released Xataface 1.3.3 on Sourceforge today. It is a bug fix release only (no new features). The bugs fixed are as follows:

- 0001158: [Bug] Cannot remove related record with date in primary key (shannah) - resolved.
- 0001156: [Bug] Exception on existing related record form: Capital N in relationshipName (shannah) - resolved.
- 0001128: [Bug] Cached content of blob fields not secured (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000806: [Bug] Lookup widget needs none/null option (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000835: [Bug] 'Copy' displayed when clicking update (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000810: [Bug] SQL queries with WHERE 1 generates error in the parser (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000971: [Bug] Valid field filter result in list view shows page without data records (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000844: [Bug] Reset -skip parameter when increasing -limit (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000854: [Bug] Deleting uploaded file (delete_file action) fails to null blob field (shannah) - resolved.
- 0001126: [Feature Request] Last Modified only works when the table has a last modified field (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000908: [Feature Request] Add support for 'G' format in date widget (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000852: [Bug] Date widget shows 2001 to 2010 only (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000964: [Bug] SQL Query Fails On Upgraded Xataface (Worked with lower versions) (shannah) - resolved.
- 0000935: [Bug] File uploads not updating when overwriting (shannah) - resolved.

You can check the change log in the issue tracker for more details on these bugs.

Download this release at
https://sourceforge.net/projects/datafa ... ace-1.3.3/
Steve Hannah
@shannah78 (on twitter)
sjhannah.com blog
Posts: 4457
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

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