Steve to the Xataface Community

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Steve to the Xataface Community

Postby shannah » Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:14 pm

Hi all,

I just wanted to post an announcement to explain the reason for my absence from the Xataface forum for the past several weeks. In the past I have tried to be able to respond to forum questions and support requests within 24 hours, but many questions and requests have gone unanswered over the past few weeks.

Due to time pressures and priorities I will be forced to step away from Xataface until the end of April. I will still be checking in from time to time to try to help out, but not with the same frequency as usual.

May 1, 2009, I will be able to re-allocate the usual time back to supporting Xataface and resume such things as news-letters and weekly updates again.

In the mean time, I hope the the community can grow and flourish without me. There are many talented developers in the community who should be able to help out in the mean time.

Best wishes

Steve Hannah
Posts: 4457
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

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