I released Xataface 2.0.1 today on Sourceforge.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/datafa ... ace-2.0.1/
It includes some small bug fixes that were identified in the 2.0.0 release as well as some security improvements. If you are running 2.0.0 for any of your applications, I recommend you upgrade to 2.0.1.
I have also released version 1.3.5 and 1.1.7 which include the same security improvements but for older codebases. If you are running 1.3.x then I recommend that you upgrade to 1.3.5. If you are still on 1.1.x and cannot upgrade to a newer version (e.g. due to your PHP version), then you should upgrade to 1.1.7.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/datafa ... ace-1.3.5/
https://sourceforge.net/projects/datafa ... ace-1.1.7/
You can see the diffs for this update at:
If you are running directly off of SVN, then you should be able to just run SVN update. This will work for the following branches:
The Trunk: http://weblite.ca/svn/dataface/core/trunk
2.0.x : http://weblite.ca/svn/dataface/core/branches/2.0.x
1.3.x : http://weblite.ca/svn/dataface/core/branches/1.3.x
1.9.x : http://weblite.ca/svn/dataface/core/branches/1.9.x
1.5.x : http://weblite.ca/svn/dataface/core/branches/1.5.x
1.1.x : http://weblite.ca/svn/dataface/core/branches/1.1.x
Note that the 1.1.x, 1.5.x, and 1.9.x branches are deprecated and only receive security updates.
The 1.3.x branch is feature frozen and will only receive bug fixes and security updates.
The 2.0.x branch is the recommended stable branch going forward.