after move, error with dataface__view_bids_NNNNN

I copied my WebAuction site and it's database to a new place for this year's run. Most things work except for things to do with bids, which get this error:
SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM `dataface__view_bids_228d54c77a9ca1be56fa4e0c72f879d9` as `bids` WHERE `bids`.`product_id` = '1309' AND `bids`.`bid_status` LIKE CONCAT('%','APPROVED','%') Fatal error: View 'arotary12.dataface__view_bids_228d54c77a9ca1be56fa4e0c72f879d9' references invalid table(s) or column(s)
It looks to me that Dataface stored a particular view of the database for efficiency. How can I get it to re-create that view.
SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM `dataface__view_bids_228d54c77a9ca1be56fa4e0c72f879d9` as `bids` WHERE `bids`.`product_id` = '1309' AND `bids`.`bid_status` LIKE CONCAT('%','APPROVED','%') Fatal error: View 'arotary12.dataface__view_bids_228d54c77a9ca1be56fa4e0c72f879d9' references invalid table(s) or column(s)
It looks to me that Dataface stored a particular view of the database for efficiency. How can I get it to re-create that view.