Cant install Web Auction

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Cant install Web Auction

Postby chausito » Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:48 pm

Hi, sorry about this, Im totally new in php and programing and... and..., so please be patient with me.

Im using Xampp local hosting with php, myphpmyadmin, mysql, pearl and filezilla or something like that.
Well, i has been trying to install webauction software but i cant do the step 3: Please update the [_database] section of the conf.ini file so that it reflects the connection information to the database that you just created for WebAuction. I dont know where is the [_database] section and the conf.ini.file. Would you be kindly ant tell me where is it and what do i have to do.

Also, im providing to have troubles here:
Step 4: File Permissions

Make the templates_c directory writable by the web server. This is where the Smarty templates are cached.
Make the tables/products/product_image directory writable by the web server. This is where the images for the auction products will be stored.

Where are the templates_c directory, and what I have to do in order to let writable by the web server, also the same wiht the tables/products/product_image directory, where`s that.

I click on "At this point, your web auction installation is available here. You can log into the administration section here with username admin and password password. " and obviusly the page sent me up.
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Joined: Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:36 pm

Re: Cant install Web Auction

Postby shannah » Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:57 am

The templates_c directory is located in the root directory of the webauction install. If it is not there you need to create it.
To make it writable by the web server, you need to make sure that the web server user has write access. A common and simple way is to make it so that everyone can write to this directory. Most FTP programs allow you to change the permissions on folders. If you have unix command line access you would do chmod 777.

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