I'm modifying the view_product.html template to show the bid history Which is working except that I'm having trouble showing the date in a more friendly format. My code is using strval
- Code: Select all
{foreach from=$product->getRelatedRecordObjects('bids') item=bid}
<dd>{$bid->val('username')} : ${$bid->val('bid_amount')} {$bid->strval('time_of_bid')}
When I try to use strtotime instead of strval I get the error below. Do I need to create a strtotime function?
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Dataface_RelatedRecord::strtotime()
PS If anyone is interested, you could create a scoll box to show the history of bids so the page doesn't grow to large by wrapping it in an HTML <div> tag ie: <div style="height:120px;width:250px;overflow:scroll;">