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Web Auction 0.3.6 Released

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:06 pm
by shannah
I have posted a Web Auction 0.3.6 on sourceforge for download at: ... ion-0.3.6/

There aren't any major changes to the WebAuction code itself, but this includes the latest version of Xataface (1.3rc2) which includes a critical patch for the output cache (if you are using output caching). It also adds some features such as a forgot password function.

Change Log:

- Xataface updated to 1.3rc2 (lite version).
- Added support for "forgot password", and now requires
users to retype password when changing it.
- Includes critical output cache patch if using output cache
to correct issue that allowed users to accidently access
the sessions of other users given the correct circumstances.