I recently installed web-auction and managed to get it running okay and everything seems to be working fine so far, however when I went to click on the option for 'Output Cache' to see what it was, I got back the following error:
Fatal error: Table 'nodebay.__output_cache' doesn't exist in /var/www/nodebay/dataface/actions/manage_output_cache.php on line 25
The line in question is:
$res = mysql_query("select count(*) from `__output_cache`", df_db());
Where is it pulling the 'nodebay.' from (Nodebay being the name of the auction site I'm hosting) and what does it need to be in order to function correctly?
How do I fix the error?
Furthermore, can someone please point me in the right direction for customising the colours? I'd like to change the theme/colour scheme. I'll continue searching through the forums for handy information about it and see what I find.