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Installation problem

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:47 pm
by catacaustic
Hello all.

I've just been asked to assess the WebAuction software for a client so I've downloaded and tried to install it on my local machine using a WAMPserver.

After installing, I get this error:
Code: Select all
Fatal error: Call to undefined function init() in D:\websites\webauction\dataface\dataface-public-api.php on line 47

I've read through a few other posts on here about installation problems and it doesn't seen that anyone else has come up against this so far. I have checked the dataface installation as was recommended on another thread, and that's telling me that it's installed fine. So, I'm at a bit of a loss here trying to figure out why there's a problem with this.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:31 pm
by shannah

This is likely an issue with short open tags. There are two options to fix this problem.

1. Edit the dataface/init.php file and change the opening <? tag to <?php


2. Edit your php.ini file to allow for short_open_tags.
e.g. short_open_tags=On

This is a bug that has been fixed in SVN and will be fixed in the next release also.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:58 pm
by catacaustic
Thanks Steve, that almost got it fixed. But I managed to get it working after that myself, so it's all good.

The other problem that I encountered was when the script started working, and it said that it was installed the dataface, even though it was already operational (no idea of why that is happening, but I'm guessing there's some reason behind it). I got an error saying that the init::handle () function wasn't being passed the correct number of parameters. I had a look and in the dataface-public-api.php file at line 68 there's '$res = $action->handle();' This either needs to have some parameter or the handle () function in the database_actions_install class needs to have a default arg value set there.

This does seem a bit silly really as the parameters that are passed into that function are never actually used anywhere in it, so it's a waste of time having the variable there in the first place.