Email notifications - Reports

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Email notifications - Reports

Postby bobede » Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:15 am

This is a two part question.

1st- Is there a way to turn off the email notifications that are sent to the auction administrator at the end of the auction? In my clients first round of auctions, they were set to end at the same time, and when they did she received an email for every auction item - all 140 of them.

2nd- I would like to modify the Reports page so that the items can be sorted by clicking on a field name at the top, much the same way that you can when viewing the product list. That way the auction admin could sort them by winner or bid amount and print a list for a reference at their pickup depot or for their delivery driver. I looked at the templates>reports.html file but there doesn't seem to be anything changeable there.


Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:01 am

Postby shannah » Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:51 pm

Well, there is no setting to disable this currently. But an easy modification you could make is to alter the sendAdminEmail() method in the include/ file so that it doesn't send anything.

Code: Select all
function sendAdminEmail($subject, $msg){

    // We disable admin emails by just returning true here
    return true;
    if ( !getConf('admin_email') ){
        error_log("Failed to send email to admin because no email address was specified in the conf.ini file.");
        return false;
    $mail_headers = 'From: '.getConf('notification_from_address') . "\r\n" .
                    'Reply-To: '.getConf('notification_from_address') . "\r\n" ;   
    return mail(getConf('admin_email'), $app->_conf['title'].' - '.$subject, $msg, $mail_headers);

The only modification made here was:
Code: Select all
return true;

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Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm

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