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Add a link to the product image

Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:43 am
by bobede
I would like to make the product image thumbnail, link to a new page showing the full size image. Just in the view_product page, not the product list.
Is there a way to do that?

Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:51 am
by bobede
I figured it out.
- Code: Select all
It was a simple matter of adding the link to the above div.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:52 am
by bobede
Not sure why, but my code isn't posting correctly.

Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:31 pm
by shannah
Yeah. I'm still getting used to PHPBB myself. It seems to strip attributes out of HTML tags... i'll have to look into a fix.
So far it seems to be a little better for posting code than Plone was though.

Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:39 am
by bobede
I expanded on the idea of having a link to a larger image. I created new fields in the products table for image_two, image_three etc. and made changes to the templates>view_product.html page so that multiple thumbnails can be seen, and each one can be clicked for an enlarged view in a new window.
This works OK, but I would like to tweak it a bit. Right now, If there is only one image for the product, then a missing image icon is displayed for any missing images. What I would like to do, is have the app check the products table to see if image_two is null, and if it is, use code to display only product_image, if it is not null then use code to display product_image and image_two.
I was thinking that an if else would probably work for this, but being new to php I don't know the mechanics of checking the table for the values.
Any help would be appreciated.

Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:59 pm
by bobede
Wow. I'm surprising myself.
I managed to get the if and else working to display either multiple thumbnails or a single thumbnail.
I would like to post the complete code but much of it is getting stripped out by phpbb. Here is the basic info.
- Code: Select all
{if $product->val('image_two') != NULL}
code to display two images here
code to display a single image here
I plan to expand this so that up to 4 thumbnails can be displayed by adding elseif sections.

Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:34 pm
by shannah
Thanks for posting this Bob. I'm sure this will be helpful to other users. Given that PHPBB seems to be stripping some of the HTML out, perhaps I'll set up a "snippets" section for people to post code snippets...