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Hide minimum bid

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:34 am
by bobede
Is there a way to hide the minimum bid amount in the product list view if the minimum bid has been met?



PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:21 am
by shannah
You could do something like this in the templates/public_product_list.html template:

Code: Select all

{if $product->val('minimum_bid') >= $product->val('current_high_bid')}
Minimum Bid

Current Bid


Note that the only modification here is to wrap the Minimum bid section in an {if} tag.


PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:58 am
by bobede
Thanks!! That worked great. I modified it slightly. I removed the = from the first part so that the minimum bid would not show up if it was the same as the current high bid. Then I added another if statement, so that the current bid won't show unless it is equal to, or greater than the minimum bid. Now the users see either Minimum bid: or Current bid:

Here's the code in case anyone is interested.
Code: Select all
         {if $product->val('minimum_bid') > $product->val('current_high_bid')}
Minimum Bid

         {if $product->val('current_high_bid') >= $product->val('minimum_bid')}
Current Bid


Thanks again!
