O Noez, HALP!!! Error message on auction install.

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O Noez, HALP!!! Error message on auction install.

Postby tekchip » Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:25 am

Fatal error: The role "ADMIN" is not a registered role.On line 338 of file /home/tekchip/www/Dataface/PermissionsTool.php in function printStackTrace()
On line 386 of file /home/tekchip/www/Dataface/Table.php in function getRolePermissions(ADMIN)
On line 1893 of file /home/tekchip/www/Dataface/Table.php in function Dataface_Table(products,Resource id #13,)
On line 678 of file /home/tekchip/www/Dataface/Application.php in function loadTable(products)
On line 1287 of file /home/tekchip/www/Dataface/Application.php in function handleRequest()
On line 11 of file /home/tekchip/www/webauction-0.2/index.php in function display()
in /home/tekchip/www/Dataface/PermissionsTool.php on line 341

Dataface is just setup in my web root directory. I put the auction site in a seperate directory. I have followed the manual setup instruction in the auction readme to do the setup. This error seems to be coming from the dataface end of things. When I try to load the PermissionsTool.php page in my browser it is just blank. I'm not really a developer I'm just trying to do a quick setup of an auction site for a charity auction. I have a suspicion this has something to do with the security/authentication setting in conf.ini. I don't understand what CAS authentication is and I'd really rather not have to try to setup ldap. I was thinking the default setup just uses entries in the mysql database to handle logins. May be this is a false assumption. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Postby shannah » Wed Oct 31, 2007 9:44 am

My guess is that Dataface wasn't completely installed - or there are some files that have no read permission.

In particular the dataface/permissions.ini file may be missing or unreadable.
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Postby tekchip » Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:53 am

I saw that file mentioned some place, may be it was in the permissionstool.php file so I decided to have a look at it. That file exists both in the dataface install and the auction directories. The contents of the file in both places is simply "reports=View reports". That file shouldn't need to be chmoded to writable should it? I'm pretty sure dataface is setup correctly because I did have errors and issues during the setup till I properly chmoded the templates file and then it started reporting as being installed correctly.
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Postby shannah » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:25 pm

That file shouldn't need to be chmoded to writable should it

The file doesn't have to be writable. But it does have to be readable. By the looks of it, Dataface is unable to open this file, likely because it is not readable by the web server process.

Check the permissions on it to make sure it is readable by the web process.
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Postby tekchip » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:41 am

I double checked that. Both copies of the file (dataface and auction) are readable. Just for fun I chmodded them both 777. I'm on a server in an offline testing environment so there are no safety concerns. Any other ideas?
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Postby shannah » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:30 am

From the stacktrace I notice that you have the contents of the dataface directory placed directly in your www directory, and your webauction directory within that.

This could be causing some problems.

Recommended configuration would have dataface in a separate directory.


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Postby tekchip » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:32 am

I'll re-arrange and reconfigure and let you know if that straightens things out. Thanks.
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Postby tekchip » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:49 am

Restructuring the folders that way and basically reinstalling/configuring did the trick. Got it up and running. I'm getting an error in the serializer.php script now if you try to login with an incorrect username/pass but I think I saw that addressed some place else. Thanks for the help!
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Postby tekchip » Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:09 am

On login I'm getting the PEAR error about serialzer.php as referenced here http://xataface.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4161#20915

I added the first line of debugging code and it returned a 2 exactly the same as the other person who was having the issue. I then tried the second snippet of code. This just caused an error later in the file. It wasn't clear to me what his resolution was. He said he made a case typo in his config.ini. I checked mine and as far as I know it should be in it's default form. My field names are in all lower case. I did go in and check my database and there doesn't seem to be a password table and I didn't see a column for password under the username table. If I'm understanding the config.ini file correctly it's trying to create a password column in the users table. I do not have that column in my database. I'm guessing thats where the problem is. In config.ini is the 'password' column supposed to be in quotes?
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Postby shannah » Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:16 am

I believe the issue here was that he used the tables.sql file instead of the install.sql file to build the database.

Unfortunately this can cause confusion. Use the install.sql file, it has a more up-to-date schema.

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Postby tekchip » Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:19 am

Very nice! That did the trick! Thanks Steve you're the bomb diggity(trust me thats good).
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