I am a little confused about the different files to modify.
When I look in the root of webauction I see conf.ini & conf.ini.dist
on the surface - they appear to be the same, except that 1 has my database info set - the other does not.
I guess my question is : is the .dist the origional file prior to installer modification?
The next question:
in the conf.ini there is this section:
users_table = users
username_column = username
password_column = "password"
;ldap_host = "ldap.sfu.ca"
;ldap_port = "1389"
;ldap_base = "ou=people, o=SFU, c=CA"
Which of those fields need to be modified, and what settings go in?
and this is more on the modifications:
from the dataface_logo file

/images/emptybowls.jpg" alt="Maranatha Broadcasting Group - Empty Bowls Auction"/>
My alternate text shows - but no image.
Is the image supposed to go in the dataface directory or the webauction images directoy?
**** alright question answered myself - in the dataface images directoy - seems a tad backward to put it there, but it works.
Alrighty - I think that is all that my tired noggin can process tonight - so I am outa here.