I wonder are ther templates for it ?
And maybe a translation in dutch ?
otherwise I will translate it , and send it to you when needed.
You will hear from me

greetings Paul
Hi Paul,
Thanks for posting in the forum.Ê I'm glad you are finding the auction sofware useful.Ê This is the first public release so undoubtedly there are features that you'll identify that you'll want added.Ê I'm happy to receive feature requests, and will consider them.Ê Most features can be added very quickly, so even if you need a feature that I'm not able to get to in the general course of things, I have a team of developers who can make customizations for reasonable rates.
As for your questions:
1. Templates:
The auction is extremely flexible for templates, and can have its entire look and feel changed by creating a single HTML page.Ê (See the SFU auction for an example of a different look: http://fas.sfu.ca/fas/sites/plantsale).Ê Currently there aren't any themes available, however, I'll be writing a tutorial this week on how to create themes in Dataface (which is the same as for web auction) so you'll be able to create themes pretty easily.
The process for creating a theme will roughly involve:
Forgot to address the Dutch translation question.
The Dataface framework is all dialed in for internationalization but there is no Dutch translation yet.Ê In addition, the web auction application hasn't been written to use the internationalization features of Dataface yet.Ê Look for this in versionÊ 0.2.
When this internationalization is built in, translating it into a new language such as Dutch will be as simple as translating a single text file.
OK.. there are a lot of issues here, but I'll try to go through them:
1. New member registration issue:Ê
ÊÊÊÊÊÊ Agreed this needs to be worked on.Ê For our Plantsale auction we used CAS (Central Authentication Service) so we didn't have to worry about registration.. I added the registration action to make it available for the public.Ê The next release (0.2) will have an email registration option so that people will be sent an email to confirm their registration.Ê There are workarounds right now.. but they would require a bit of Dataface savvyness.
2. Long upload time for Dataface.
ÊÊÊ If you only have FTP access to your server this can take a long time.Ê For people with SSH access it usually only takes 30 seconds - because they can upload it as a .tar.gz file, then extract the files on the server.Ê I am working on a dataface installer that will allow you to also do this on FTP only hosts... that will be ready in the next few days.Ê I am also contemplating coming out with "Lite" versions of Dataface that don't include as many modules (e.g. TinyMCE is an optional editor that is bundled with Dataface but isn't used by most... lite versions may leave this out).
3. Changing the Layout:
ÊÊ Copy the Dataface/templates/Dataface_Main_Template.html file into the web auction's 'templates' directory, and make whatever changes you please.Ê This will override the default template.
4. Translations:
ÊÊ Some strings come from Dataface, some are specific to web auction.Ê To make a dutch translation for Dataface, copy the en.ini file in the dataface/lang directory to a file named nl.iniÊ (i think nl is the language code for Dutch), and translate the strings.Ê To make the application work in multiple languages (or just to tell it to use your Dutch language file), you need to add some stuff to the web auction's conf.ini file.Ê See this post (http://framework.weblite.ca/forum/dataface-users/123/#950394383) or this how-to (http://framework.weblite.ca/documentation/how-to/use-translations) for some info on how to do this.Ê Unfortunately, I haven't extracted all of the strings out of web auction to be translated (i.e. I haven't created an en.ini file for it yet) so you won't be able to fully translate the application yet.Ê Look for this in version 0.2 (in a couple of weeks).
5. Dollar sign to euro.Ê Will tie this into the internationalization improvements in version 0.2.
6. Making a simple images directory for header/footer/sidebars:Ê Dataface has a much more flexible and powerful system for customizing the look and feel.Ê Most of the visual information is made in templates (located in the dataface/Dataface/templates) directory.Ê You can override any of these templates by adding a template with the same name into the web auction's templates directory.Ê You should be able to change just about anything you need to change by just overriding the Dataface_Main_Template.html template and making changes.
Best regards
Hi Paul,
I would probably stay away from FrontPage for editing the templates.Ê It has a tendency to muck with things that it doesn't understand.Ê The template is actually a smarty template (the tags inside the curly braces '{ }' are smarty tags.Ê For information about smarty you can check out http://smarty.php.net.Hi Paul,
I kind of prefer having multiple posts rather than editing posts, because it allows users to follow the thread later on.Ê I (as an admin) have access to change posts, but never do, because it might confuse people later on.