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Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:37 pm
by Nikothamus
i'm trying to translate auction and dataface files into polish lang.
i've found menu items and change them to polish but i can't find code entry that displays currency sign. default sign is us dollar $ but i want to change it to PLN (polish currency) or euro (EUR) sign.
where in code/files i can change this ?
thanks for any support.
Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:31 am
by shannah
Right now you'll probably have to change this manually inside the source code files.Ê I believe that there's only about 2 places in the tables/products/products.php file.
Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:09 am
by Karonthe
Also you can find one (total bid amount) in conf\ApplicationDelegate.php
Re: how to change currency dolar $ sign to another lik euro
Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:33 am
by pax
There are a lot more, i think it should be an option in the .ini-File.
Re: how to change currency dolar $ sign to another lik euro
Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:37 pm
by shannah
Agreed, this should be in an INI file.
Re: how to change currency dolar $ sign to another lik euro
Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:41 am
by rembert
Indeed a lot more. But until they're in an INI file, a (probably non-final) list of what to change to get the currency to something else:
* changed '$' to '€ ' in (found those with grep -r "'\$'" *)
** function high_bid_amount__display in tables/products/products.php
** function current_bid__display in tables/products/products.php
** function minimum_bid__display in tables/products/products.php
** function handle in action/reports.php
** fucntion getAuctionWinnerMessage in include/
* changed \$ to &euro in (found those with grep -r '\\\$' * | more)
** function block__before_main_column in conf/ApplicationDelegate.php
** function handle in actions/watchlist