Hi Steve!
As I told you via mail, I do some further debugging on the "get webauction running on opensuse" problem.
The Problem seems to be that part of dataface's Parser.sql:
$this->token returns not "select", it returns only "s", so
they query action can't be defined and raises this mysterious pear error.
The sql statement was:
select p.*,current_high_bid from products p left join (select product_id,max(bid_amount) as current_high_bid from bids group by product_id) as b on p.product_id=b.product_id
// get query action
switch ($this->token) {
case null:
// null == end of string
return $this->raiseError('Nothing to do');
case 'select':
return $this->parseSelect();
case 'update':
return $this->parseUpdate();
case 'insert':
return $this->parseInsert();
case 'delete':
return $this->parseDelete();
case 'create':
return $this->parseCreate();
case 'drop':
return $this->parseDrop();
return $this->raiseError('Unknown action :'.$this->token);
As I told you via mail, I do some further debugging on the "get webauction running on opensuse" problem.
The Problem seems to be that part of dataface's Parser.sql:
$this->token returns not "select", it returns only "s", so
they query action can't be defined and raises this mysterious pear error.
The sql statement was:
select p.*,current_high_bid from products p left join (select product_id,max(bid_amount) as current_high_bid from bids group by product_id) as b on p.product_id=b.product_id
// get query action
switch ($this->token) {
case null:
// null == end of string
return $this->raiseError('Nothing to do');
case 'select':
return $this->parseSelect();
case 'update':
return $this->parseUpdate();
case 'insert':
return $this->parseInsert();
case 'delete':
return $this->parseDelete();
case 'create':
return $this->parseCreate();
case 'drop':
return $this->parseDrop();
return $this->raiseError('Unknown action :'.$this->token);