Yes.. This is a bit of a shortcoming right now. The related lists in reports calls getRelatedRecordObjects() which only loads the first "page" of related record results - which is default 30 per page.
You can use the Dataface_Table::setRelationshipRange() method to adjust this default value. A good place to do this would be in the table's init() method of its delegate class as it is called once per request just when the table is first loaded.
- Code: Select all
function init(Dataface_Table $table){
$table->setRelationshipRange('myrelationship', 0, 100);
Alternatively, you could modify the classes/XfHtmlReportBuilder.class.php class and look for all invocations of getRelatedRecordObjects() (there are 3), and add a 2nd parameter 'all' to them. E.g.
- Code: Select all
$record->getRelatedRecordObjects($relname, 'all');
That will force it to load all related records instead of just the first 30.