I use export csv option but column order from csv file is different from what I set in fields.ini .
I speak about fields from "LEFT JOIN"
class tables_men_intreport {
function __sql__(){
<------>return "SELECT men_intreport.*,.
<------><------> men_zone.men_zone_name, men_uap.men_uap_name,
<------><------>FROM men_intreport LEFT JOIN men_zone ON men_zone_id = men_intreport_zone.
<------><------><------><------> LEFT JOIN men_uap ON men_uap_id = men_intreport_uap;
I define order in fields.ini to put [men_zone_name], [men_uap_name] at beginning in "list" and "new record", and it is ok.
But in csv file this columns are at the end. How can solve this problem.
Thanks a lot,