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Uploaded image shows as a blank screen

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:45 am
by Tammy

I am having problems with viewing uploaded images (they are less than 30Kb). I am using xataface 1.3.3 and Php 5.3.19 on Windows 7, IIS. I am uploading an image onto the file system and I have updated the fields.ini file
[upload images field]

The image gets loaded into mysql database, and the file address path is shown in the xataface "list" table, however when clicking on the file address path in the xataface table I get a blank screen. Also, if I click on the link for the null file address path in the table (for the records where I have not yet uploaded an image) I get a blank screen. Also, if I click on the "details" tab I get a blank screen. Changing the url address to absolute makes no difference.

This problem seems to be similar to the one already reported under "Upload - white screen of death" but I am not sure how it was fixed.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: Uploaded image shows as a blank screen

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:44 am
by shannah
Is anything reported in your PHP error log?

(Note: I don't test on IIS, so this could be an IIS incompatibility).


Re: Uploaded image shows as a blank screen

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:21 am
by Tammy
Hello Steve,
Thank you for your reply.
There is nothing in the php.errors file.
It is possible that there is a problem in permissions on my server. My logo in database_logo.html shows as a red cross.
I'll have to check the permissions setup on my server.