Thanks, it even mentions that in the wiki I've just realised!
A heads up to others finding this thread:
Before I was using $record->display('field_name') in my fieldname__renderCell() function to display the value. This obviously went loopy (out of memory errors) when switching to using fieldname__display() function as it was doing its self in its self

I changed to using $record->strval('fieldname') instead. Brill. Working.
Except.. I still need to want to add div's to my cells so I can not wrap them. So you use renderCell() as well still like this.
- Code: Select all
function ram__renderCell(&$record){
return '<div style="white-space: nowrap;">'.$record->display('ram').'</div>';
function screen_size__display(&$record){
return $record->strval('ram').' GB';