- Code: Select all
Fatal error: Call to a member function hasJoinTable() on a non-object in D:\Users\Common\Documents\WebSite\All_Sites\public_html\xataface-1.3.2\Dataface\FormTool.php on line 930
(This example shows a Windows pathname, but the problems seem to be same on a Linux platform.)
I've had a couple of issues in the past where a similar message has been generated and on raising them in the forum, the response seems to have been that this is an obscure condition that should not normally occur. It has happened a couple of times recently and I have a little more information that may shed some light on the situation.
On one occasion it turned out that there was a newline character at the end of one of the record fields. I don't have the information now to reproduce the situation, but it was cured by removing the offending character - had to do it via phpMyAdmin as Xataface generated the error when trying to edit the record!
Here is the latest scenario. I have a view which was orginally created using the following SQL command:-
- Code: Select all
CREATE VIEW desktop3_desktop4 AS SELECT * FROM app_instances WHERE computer_name='Desktop3' OR computer_name='Desktop4' ORDER BY app_title,computer_name;
On trying to edit a record in the view (configured as a table in Xataface) the fatal error occurred. If the view was re-created without everything from the WHERE clause onwards, there was no problem. Thinking back to the former problem with new line characters, I wondered whether there was anything strange about the format of the record field, so tried re-creating the view with the command:-
- Code: Select all
CREATE VIEW desktop3_desktop4 AS SELECT * FROM app_instances WHERE computer_name LIKE 'Desktop3%' OR computer_name LIKE 'Desktop4%' ORDER BY app_title,computer_name;
On doing this the problem went away.
I'm up and running now as a result, but thought it would be helpful to share this information, in case there is an underlying problem that needs investigation.